My 58 y/o patient has colon cancer and part of her treatment is an oral chemotherapy.
At her recent visit she asked me how many months she’ll need, since the monthly copay for her chemo pills is $80.
I told her that our “office has funding” and can we help her with her copays?
She nodded quickly, and I told her I will call the pharmacy to swap out her credit card for the “office” (aka Patreon) credit card.
I notified our in-house pharmacist, who communicates with the mail delivery pharmacy and asked him to email them.
He came back to my desk later.
“I spoke to Jasmine* at the pharmacy to change credit cards. She said she never heard of an office paying for a patient’s medications before.”
I shrugged.
He continued. “She was so moved, she said she’ll ask her boss if the pharmacy can absorb the cost.”
We high-fived.
Source: Facebook / Blimi Marcus