8-year-old Thomas Moore made a decision. He was gonna grow his hair out. He wanted to have long hair. And as the hair grew and grew, young Thomas became quite a spectacle at school. Some would point, some would laugh. But some knew the real reason behind Thomas growing his hair out so long.
One day sometime before, he walked up to his mom, and she was watching a video. It was a video about a 5-year-old girl with cancer, and because of all her chemotherapy treatments, she had lost all of her hair. And that touched Thomas very deeply, and he started asking his mom a lot of questions.
He learned that cancer was a very painful thing and the treatments for it can be painful as well… and the hair loss was part of that process. His mom also told Thomas that some kind people will grow their hair out real long so they can eventually have it cut and donate it for wigs to be made from it. And those wigs were made special for those who have lost their hair.
It was at that very moment that Thomas made his decision to grow his hair long… to someday donate it to help a cancer victim. And it grew and grew, until Thomas was told he had grown enough hair to make two full wigs. And recently, he had his hair cut… all 17 inches of it. And the salon lady who cut his hair told him that he actually had enough hair for THREE full wigs.
And young Thomas was ecstatic. He was so happy he could do his part to help those stricken with cancer who have lost their hair from the treatments. And now Thomas is 12 years old, and he’s strongly considering growing his hair out once again.
Photo courtesy: Twitter/@storkpatrol