You may be wondering why we are posting a “Mother’s Day” video when it is almost a week after Mother’s Day? But that is the point. Every day is mother’s day as mothering is a 24/7 reality. It is called the world’s toughest “job” but a job implies something one is paid for. It is something that ones does as opposed to something that one is. Whereas the role of a mother is all encompassing. When simply described as a list of tasks and non-stop work with no breaks or vacations, motherhood sounds like something that no one would ever willingly do. But when it is seen in light of the empowerment, bond, influence and impact that motherhood is truly all about, then the sum of the parts is indescribably greater than the details that make it. Eve, the first woman discussed Biblically, is called “Chavah” in Hebrew which is from the root of “chavaya” meaning “experience.” She is also referred to as “Em kol chai” meaning “the mother of all life” before she even gives birth to a child. The inner meaning is that motherhood is not limited to bearing biological children, but that it is something we are all capable of when we are willing to experience total connection and dedication to another. When we can house another at our center (pregnancy), birth that life, and then provide the patience, love, support and dedication needed to help that person develop, that is a role unlike any other. That is who a mother is. Physically, emotionally and spiritually a woman is the mother of all life.

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