Editor’s Note: During the Jewish holiday of Sukkot Jews purchase an etrog (a citron) as well as other species for a special commandment that takes place during this holiday. The etrog is an expensive purchase and one that people put in a lot of time into choosing. 
Bus driver tells me that a passenger got on the bus today holding a box. Inside the box was an etrog.
The passenger opens the box and is admiring his etrog. Another passenger is watching.
“Did you buy an etrog yet?” the first passenger asks.
“No,” says the second. “I’m not getting around so much these days because of corona. I don’t know if I’ll get one this year.”
The first passenger hands the etrog to the second. “What are you doing?” asks the second.
“I’m giving it to you. You can pay a symbolic amount to claim ownership but it’s yours,” explains the first. “And I can have someone deliver the other three species to you.”
The second passenger looks shocked. “But what are you going to do?” he asks. “It’s beautiful.”
“Yes, it’s a beautiful etrog. But I can get another one,” he adds. “But you know what? Because the first day of Sukkot is Shabbat this year, we don’t take the four species on the first day and the mitzvah (commandment) is not considered from the Torah. However, ‘Love thy neighbor as thyself’ is a Torah mitzvah and I have to be more careful about fulfilling that mitzvah.”
Bus driver says that other passengers burst into enthusiastic applause.
Source: #onlyinIsrael