This letter moved me to tears. Not only are the recipients (Rabbí Chaim Grossbaum and his family) truly special people who epitomize the concept of selfless giving, but there is a lesson in this letter for us all. We often go through life not knowing if what we think, say or do makes any difference. Sometimes we feel that we have tried so hard or given so much and it went unnoticed. But when we do the right thing BECAUSE it is the right thing, it always impacts. Sometimes we see it, sometimes we don’t. But we have affected lives in ways we will never even know. A sincere smile or hello could have given someone the strength they needed to get through that day. There are people in this world who are unbelievably grateful to YOU for something you may not even remember that you did. So keep being kind, helpful, supportive and giving. It is needed. And it is noticed. And this letter is that proof and reminder that 25 years later, people will never forget your impact.
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