We never know what someone else is going through. But when we do the right thing, because it is the right thing, the impact it can have can often be so much more than we would have ever realized. As Callum McDonald states, he has been going through a hard time. Whatever he is struggling with may actually be what led him to leaving his keys behind in the first place. After all, when we are distracted and not at our best, we make such mistakes. The man who found those keys and kept his car safe and sound had no idea he was doing anything more than making sure a car was not stolen. A huge thing in and of itself. But what he really accomplished was letting a struggling man know that he was being cared for and supported by someone who didn’t even know him, that strangers care and that there is a goodness in this world. And thanks to Callum, we can all benefit from this man’s time, patience and kindness as well.