If you ask most people what the job is of a bus driver, you may very well hear that it is to drive the bus. And while that is true, Curtis Jenkins realizes that the role he has goes far beyond picking up and dropping off elementary school kids. After all, he is one of the first to greet these children in the morning, and the last to say goodbye to them at the end of their school day. And he recognizes that the commute time is precious and, when utilized properly, can be one of the most educational parts of their day. Not only does Jenkins speak to each student, he knows them. And even more so, he understands them. So it is not about the material gifts he gives these kids, his kids as he refers to them, but the love, acknowledgement and care he shares with the family he has created. To some he is the father they never had. To others, he is the motivation and encouragement to try that much harder and push themselves to do more. There is a concept in Jewish philosophy in regards to education that states: “Chanoch l’naar al pi darko” which means that each child needs to be educated according to his way. No two kids are alike, therefore a different approach is needed with each one. Jenkins gets this, which is why he assigns one kid the role of police officer on the bus, while another is given the role of administrative assistant to the president. He figures out what their talents and abilities are, and he both utilizes them and celebrates them. And in doing so, Curtis Jenkins may just be the greatest teacher these kids will ever have.

Presents Curtis Jenkins gave the kids at the holidays

Header photo and inside photo: Curtis Jenkis