There were two strikes already when high school pitcher, Ty Koehn, was about to throw the next pitch. If Ty’s team won, it meant they would advance to the State Championships. “I knew the game was going to keep going or it was going to end right there,” he said. And end it did. As the umpire called “Strike!” Ty’s team ran to celebrate with him. But that is not what he did. You see, it was his childhood best friend, Jack Kocon, he had just struck out. So as Ty’s teammates rushed onto the field, Ty headed right off, straight to Jack, and enveloped him in a hug. This was more than just good sportsmanship, this was about priorities. And recognizing, that when we win, often that means another has lost. This is why the Hebrew word for a “friend” is “chaver” which is is the same Hebrew spelling as the word “chibur” which means “connection.” When our friends are in pain, we are connected to that pain. And we must recognize it. And this is what Ty did. “Our friendship is more important that just the silly outcome of a game. I had to make sure he knew that before we celebrated.”
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